It feels like change is in the wind, but we know that God is in control and it is so exciting to see how He surprises us! Whether it be trials or joys, all things are from Him and work for good in the lives of His children~
Right now we are in a season of joyful changes. It has almost been a month that Andrew has been serving in his new position at church as the High School pastor! So fun! We have been blessed beyond words by the staff and the kids in this ministry. The college pastor, Rick Holland, will be taking his own church so a few people needed to be moved around and this affected us in a very fun way :) Looks like we will be around for a while at GCC and that is fine with us! We LOVE our church- the teaching from God's Word is so consistent and rich, never leaving us hungry for truth. And the people are so genuine. Tons of godly examples to live up to...perfect for a young family like us who need to learn so much.
That is why we felt the great need to move. Our little place in Burbank did not have the capacity to host a staff of 50 and hopefully many students ( there are 300 in the group!). Pics to come soon of the new digs. Things have not slowed down one second since we came home from NC, but it has been wonderful!

This was taken during our last week in Burbank and was the first highschool event we attended- 50's bowling night!

Andrew was honored to say a few words for a special good bye Sunday for Pastor Rick and his wife Kim. We will miss them alot and have been so blessed personally by them. Andrew learned so much serving under Rick in the singles group he preached at every Friday night and I loved being at a Seminary wives group on Wednesday night with Kim as the table leader.

It has been strange to transition out of the singles ministry. We have wonderful and close friends there that we will miss seeing every Friday but are grateful for the extra time at Grace! Andrew will be done with seminary next May ( YAY YAY YAY!) and we didn't know where we would end up after that- so it's so nice to have that settled for now and we are beyond excited to dive into high school ministry! Please pray for us as we open our lives and our home to this new group of people. Our prayer is that our lives would be a reflection of Christ, that we would disappear and that God would be great in all that we do and say.