Bringing children up in the fear of The Lord is getting harder and harder. My grandparents said it, my parents said it and now I'm saying it...the mountains we face are getting rockier and steeper. The issues I dealt with in school will look like child's play to the moral and spiritual battles my children will engage in. The task ahead is daunting isn't it? But today my heart is deeply encouraged because of 3 words-" It Is Finished" ! Today we remember the mountain that Christ climbed. It was only He who could drag that cross to Golgatha and only He who could bear the immeasurable burden of our sins. Because on that mountain it was only He- God made man- that could cry out "It is finished". No matter what mountains are coming our way, be it persecution, hatred, and loss, Christ has completed the task for us. Every sin and every wrong has been paid for!
He rose again and sent His Holy Spirit to dwell with us and help us up our own mountains until He returns for us.
Hallelujah what a Savior!
Elana’s Passing
3 hours ago