Thanks for all the calls and prayers! So the doctor has put me on strict bed rest until my next appointment, which is Monday at 2:45pm. Basically I can get up to use the bathroom and take one shower a day and that is it! And I will be taking the contraction medication around the clock every four hours. He hopes that the medication and bed rest combined will be enough to stop the contractions all together.
My mom will be coming today to help Andrew and I out for the week. We are very grateful to her and her service of love as she has just returned home from Michigan taking care of my grandpa who has had a hip replacement!
Please pray that I would use this time wisely to be in prayer and in the Word. In fact, please send me any prayer requests you may have, as I would love to pray for you! Also, the medication is pretty strong and makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I am praying that my body will get used to it, but we will see!
Thanks again!
Elana’s Passing
1 week ago