Sorry, I know this picture is kinda gross, but I am bored and thought
this might be blog worthy! Long story short, I have been experiencing
some contractions since last Tuesady, and was admitted last night for
a longer period of monitoring while receiving a fun dose of
contraction calming meds every two hours! The "fun" thing about them
is that they are 1) given in shot form 2) increase my heart rate as if
I have downed 3 venti lattes and 3) give me the shakes! But praise the
Lord that they seem to work on the spot to calm my " irritated"
uterus. ( this is my diagnosis so far) My wonderful hubby camped out
with me last night on our air mattress, since all extra beds had been
taken. The doctor will be coming in sometime this morning ( after he
performs a c- section!) to let me know what the next step will be. We
are peaceful and trusting the Lord and know that He will not allow our
little boy to enter this world until He decides Weston is ready! Our
plans are not His plans and what God has for us is better than we can
imagine! So far Weston is not bothered at all and is in fact more
active than ever before! He gave the poor nurse no rest last night as
he kept moving away from the perfectly placed monitors! He is already
a little stinker! We appreciate all your prayers for us during this
minor trial! Thank u!
Elana’s Passing
1 week ago
Hey precious girl we are thinking of you with prayerful hearts and peace that God watches over all three of you. ~ Debbie & Steve
Hey Michelle,
I went through the same thing you are going through with my little Emma. I know what it is you are going through. I am praying for you. Call me if you want. Love, Lola
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