Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Greens and Garlic stir fry

This is super easy and super healthy!

Chop up 3 celery sticks, 1 bunch spinach and 1/2 head green cabbage. Heat 2 T olive oil in pan and add 2 cloves minced garlic. Throw in the greens and sauté until spinach is wilted and cabbage is tender. Season with S & P. Add leftover brown rice to the mix or even chicken to make this a main dish.

It has a nice crunch and the simple flavors are great. I used this as a side for our dinner tonight!

1 comment:

The Martinez Family said...

Mmmm, sounds good! Must try, perhaps I can convince my lot that greens aren't out to make life miserable after all! Thanks for posting.