Saturday, December 29, 2012

Our little Christmas

We had a wonderful time getting ready for the Christmas season and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Weston understands much more this year and appreciated all the decorations, tree, the Christmas story and excitement. It is so fun to see Christmas brand new through the eyes of your children and helped me to remember the awesome miracle that we celebrate!

Weston got to go to a Christmas party at church all by himself with Daddy and he had so much fun

 Before Christmas we made a last minute trip to Manteca and had fun making gingerbread houses with the cousins

During the Christmas season our church puts up real trees all over the campus and I just LOVE them. This day we were all at church together, which is rare these days due to someone always having the sniffles or something :) we had to take a picture!

Andrew bundled them up for their walk to the donut shop for a Christmas donut

One weekend we had a baking day with some girls in the high school group

Each year our church puts on a wonderful Christmas concert and this year my Dad's Uncle and cousin came with us and had dinner at our house afterwards. I made my mom's white chili, our Christmas tradition growing up.

They were so sweet and brought the boys remote control cars!

Christmas Eve we had the joy of having over the Drumm family. They have 2 darling girls and baby boy on the way. The boys LOVE playing with the girls and we ended the night with a little dance party in the family room

Christmas morning was nice and relaxing- we had a fire and opened presents and then our friend Jonathan came over for breakfast

Daddy reading the Christmas story

For the boys present from us we got them a wooden Thomas the Train track set

 After breakfast we packed up to drive up north to Andrew's side of the fam for a week together.
The drive was a little rainy but we made great time. We arrived in time for dinner and to be spoiled by more presents and my favorite- matching PJ's! We are having a great time relaxing and playing and of course eating :)
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Your "little Christmas" looks like it was "big fun"!
Can't believe all that you did & packed in that short amount of time. Thanks for sharing,
Love, Mom