I have loved this church for so many reasons so I thought I would list them! 1. Hymns - the first time I attended worship here I wasn't so sure I could do the hymn thing, but now I see the folly in my thinking. How rich the stories they tell, the poetry in the way they are written and how they capture the awesomeness of our God. Modern songs often miss the mark. And I love hearing about the saints past that wrote them. They are a beautiful part of our Christian heritage. Now we sing hymns in our home like "Amazing Grace" and many others our kids love to hear.
2. Weekly baptisms- such a joy to hear testimonies every week of how God changes hearts that once hated Him into children in His kingdom!
3. Our pastor- Andrew and I have learned so much from this faithful preacher. He is loved by thousands but that hasn't puffed him up. He is so humble and makes sure that Jesus Christ is the only one his messages focus on. I can only think of maybe 3 references he made of himself in messages and that says something. His desire that God's word go to the ends of the earth is happening through the steady stream of pastors and missionaries trained and sent from here and the free media that all can access. He unashamedly expresses his passionate love for God and God's Word like David did, and that's what I've learned the most from him. How precious the gift of the Bible is because it speaks of our precious Savior.
4. The people - I've learned from God's people here what it means to serve. Not just when it's convenient or when it feels good, but the Christ like getting down on your knees and dirty kind of serving. We have never had a need go unmet. And we have been humbled by the examples we have seen of true service.
5. The children's ministry- our kids have grown up here spending countless hours, good days and bad days with the dear nursery workers and Sunday school teachers. They often go unnoticed but their ministry to His little ones is close to God's heart. Our kids have always had a hard time adjusting to the classrooms and they have been shown such love and care. They are also taught so well at a young age the truths of the Bible. We knew dropping them off they would be cared for physically and spiritually.
We loved our years here and feel we have been given so much. We can't wait to love and grow with our new church in Prescott! The church isn't a building or location. It is His people. Pray with us as we go to build His church!
Elana’s Passing
3 hours ago