Andrew and I were just saying to each other that Weston seems to have changed even this week, growing ever more aware of his surroundings and becoming so much more playful! Speaking of playful, we had a fun time with our dear friends the Dolieslagers on Saturday. Andrew and Duane, pictured above with Noah, have been friends since 3rd grade and Duane's wife Ashley and I have become great friends as well! We have grown so much closer this past year as we both went thru pregnancy with our little guys at the same time. Noah is just 11 weeks older than Weston. Ashley received many phone calls from me during my pregnancy asking if this pain is normal, or if that weird symptom should last long, etc. :) We went over to their darling condo and the guys played with their boys and the girls cooked and of course talked about our guys and boys! As you can see from the pics below that Noah and Weston are on their way to becoming great buds just like their dads. Noah shared his comfy high chair and Weston shared his paci with Noah...Ahhh true friendship, sharing germs.

Looking like such a big boy- "sigh" my heart is already breaking

Not quite sure about eachother yet

Getting aquainted

Noah going in for the kill

Success! Weston isn't bothered, he loves those fingers just the same

Thanks guys for a wonderful night!