Sunday, February 7, 2010

Foot in my mouth!

This weekend we had some dear friends come up for the day to visit us and to meet Weston for the first time! During lunch we were sharing stories of how each of us at different times have said something when, ya know, we shouldn't have! Amanda's story was about congratulating a lady on her pregnancy when she wasn't pregnant and mine was calling a boyfriend by a different name...oops! Well I think our story telling set me up for a later embarrassing moment that occured later Saturday afternoon....

We were walking around downtown Burbank and stopped into the dollar bookstore. Really neat place! While we were browsing someone up front belted out this really great Italian opera sounding song. Kinda random in a book store, but ok- we thought it was fun! When we went up to the cashier to purchase our cheap books Amanda asked the guy behind the counter if he was the one who did the singing. He proudly said yes that was me. Then here comes my lovely moment... I say " Oh that's must work in a cute Italian restaurant or something and sing to couples during dinner right?" Proud that I had figured this guy out- He looked at me and stated plainly, " No I sing in the opera" OOPs!!! I wanted to crawl in a hole :)

Moral of the story- if you bust out singing in a random public place, people like me will never take you seriously!


LittleNanni said...

Oh, I feel your PAIN!!!

Jenny said...

Oh Michelle! That is funny :) Thanks for sharing with us readers!

Ms. Saranghae said...

your lil'baby is so cute with the 'love' card on him .... nic pic!