Sunday, October 9, 2011

11 months- playing peek-a-boo

Next month we will be celebrating Gabe's first birthday, wow! He has really grown in the last few weeks...he says momma, dadda, waves hello and claps his hands. He is also listening to commands like "no rolling over" when being changed :) and is able to eat soft finger foods without gagging. But my favorite new trick is that he plays peek-a-boo by himself with his blanket. It's so precious and he gets the biggest kick out of it! I caught the sequence below:
1) cute smile, thinking about it
2) up goes the blanket
3) I'm pretty hilarious!


Ashley Wauhop said...

that is such a cute picture of gabe!

Omie Susie said...

Cant believe Gabe's talking words already?? Omie sure is missing out living so far away :(
Can't wait to have you all here in AZ with me next week so I can hear for myself. "Ohhmee" will be next in his growing vocabulary by weeks end!