Monday, October 29, 2012

While we were away

This month I have had the blessing and challenge of leaving my children (twice) with others to care for them while Andrew and I traveled and it gave me a new perspective in trusting the Lord.  It's funny what irrational fears came into my mind and I found it surprisingly hard to make those thoughts go away! It also gave me insight into my own soul and how I need to grow in Him. I often think that I can control things, but I can't, and that ultimately God is in charge and whatever he allows into my life will be for my good and His glory no matter what it is. 

While we were away only good things happened and my kids have made special memories and new friends...God is so good. All my silly fears were for nothing. But I was challenged this weekend to search my heart and question myself..." what if something happened?" Would I still trust the Lord and say He is good? I hope so! This is such a difficult time in our nation- financially, spiritually and politically and it can be a hard time to see what God is doing. But we must not fear or doubt, this is a time to trust and increase our faith. The world is watching our response as believers to the election, the hurricane and the stand we take on what God's Word says. 

We have been  studying the Kings and Chronicles in my women's Bible study and the message is simple- God desires our undivided hearts and complete faith and trust in Him. When faced with an intense battle, God told His people that He would go before them and the battle was already won. Instead of sending out the strongest men first, God wanted the worship leaders to lead the way, sounds crazy! But guess what? They obeyed and as they were singing God killed off every enemy that day before they even picked up a weapon to engage them. 
The song is simple and beautiful
2 Chronicles 20:21b "Give thanks to the Lord, for His lovingkindness is everlasting"
I pray that as we face each day with every uncertainty there is that we would remember to thank the Lord that He goes before us and that His lovingkindness is everlasting! 

1 comment:

Mom said...

Amen & Amen! What peace of mind to know that no matter how out of control the world is spinning, He's got the whole world in His hands. Just hold onto him!