Friday, July 10, 2009

Wearing clothes for the first time!

What a wonderful surprise we had today during our afternoon visit!
Westons IV had been removed and he was wearing a shirt!! Praise the
Lord :) getting rid of the iv line is a major step in his progress
towards coming home. The therapist evaluated his feeding and increased
the amount of bottle and breast feedings as well! He did back to back
bottle feedings for the first time but seemed really tired the second
feeding . Please pray that he would continue to get stronger with each
feeding so he won't need the tube feedings anymore.

We are so excited and proud of our little guy today!

The therapist also talked to us about Weston's muscle development in
his arms,legs and neck. He has poor muscle control in those areas and
may require some help in the future.( This was caused from his being
early and tiny ) We will just need to do a few things at home to help
him out, and then he will be evaluated again at 5 months .

1 comment:

Kyle, Steph, and Suzie Sanderson said...

I remember how hard it was to get Suzie to drink all her bottles consecutively. But once they had her take 8 bottles in a row for just one day, they decided she could come home!! So get ready! It will sneak up on you:) Everyone told me that but I didn't believe them until it actually came true!