Our second year was filled with highs and lows and lots of growing spiritually and closer together in our marriage. Shortly after our first anniversary we found out that I was pregnant! We went in for our appointment to see that there was a placenta, yolk sack and a healthy blood supply to it all, but we couldn't find a baby... I had a blighted ovum. It occurs when the egg is fertilized, implants into the uterine wall but fails to mature past that point due to too many chromosome problems. When the egg implants it starts the whole pregnancy process and my body was moving full steam ahead even though the baby had stopped growing very early on. I was told that I would miscarry within a week or two...well 3 1/2 weeks went by and nothing happened. This was a very hard time for me as I was experiencing morning sickness and all the other pregnancy symptoms and I knew that the baby was not there. The waiting was so hard. I finally called the doctor and he was shocked I didn't miscarry and had to come in right away to have the placenta removed before it ruptured and caused alot of damage.
This was also very hard and very scary...not what we expected my first pregnancy being like!
But the Lord's timing in it all was perfect. The day of the procedure was the day before we were leaving to go to Palm Springs for the Resolved Conference...that year's theme being heaven and hell and living life with an eternal perspective! For 4 days I heard teaching from God's word on how not to live life focused solely on this life's trials and successes but on what is truly lasting and eternal, the gospel and who I am as a child of God. Being a child of God is what should define us first and foremost...not being a wife, MOTHER, girfriend, employee whatever~ WOW! I was so encouraged and refreshed and turned my sorrow into joy in light of who I am before Christ and not what I felt I had lost. AMAZING.
This is us at the conference.

That Thanksgiving we had the joy of traveling to Michigan for some sweet time with my extended family and for some snow!
Here is my Dad and Andrew shooting targets in my grandparents back yard.

My sweet Opa. He gives the best smooches :)

Here are all the cousins after our Thanksgiving meal, during which my cousin announced he was engaged! ...and we announced that we were Pregnant again!!! Such a special day to celebrate and thank God for his goodness to our family.

That Christmas we spent with Andrew's family and though I felt sick most of the time, I didn't mind at all :)

We had a special evening in San Francisco celebrating Papa's birthday
The peanut

In march, We both were a part of the Shepherd's Conference at our Church and our dear friend Suzie threw us a surprise baby shower during the conference!

Right after that the Lord provided a different place for us to live to suit our growing family. Here we are moving from our 1 bedroom apartment along a busy busy street with CRAZY neighbors :)

Our dear friend Hohn told us when we found out the sex of the baby he would take us out to Italian if it was a girl and to steak if it was a boy. Boy it was and we went to Ruth's Chris!! Perfect, since I was craving red meat my entire pregnancy! It was such a special night

In April Andrew's family threw us a wonderful shower- Baseball theme!

From the shower weekend we went straight to Carmel, where we were engaged, to celebrate our 2nd anniversary. We had a relaxing time and loved reliving our engagement memories

Thank you love for all the love, care and support you showed me during our 2nd year. You are such a kind man and I have always felt safe and loved with you. Thank you for continuing to pursue me and know my heart. You love me so well and I love you so much!
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