I have been studying the book of Daniel and have been convicted and encouraged by the awesome stories of faith and the power of God. Chapter 3 tells the well known story of Daniel's 3 friends who are thrown into a furnace for refusing to worship the idol that the king had made of himself, but God miraculously saves them showing the king and his people that He is a powerful God and honors those who honor Him, but He will humble those who refuse to worship God.
Even after the king saw God's power displayed, he failed to humble himself...so the Lord greatly humbled him until he repented. The powerful king lost his mind and lived in the wild as an animal until he was broken enough to realize that we are nothing and God is everything.
I was thinking that I/ we can be very much like the king, erecting idols of ourselves in our minds and expecting others to "worship us".... pay attention to us, like us, honor and admire us, and when we don't get treated like we feel we should get treated we act like the king and get angry, defensive or have a pity party thinking that "no one likes me ". The king's main problem was that his pride was wounded, and pride is at the heart of every offense taken. When we make our interactions about ourselves and our own glory, people will get "burned". But if we are truly seeking to bring God glory in all circumstances, we will forget about our offenses and rejoice when people see Christ in us! If we make idols of ourselves we will always be hurt, offended and disappointed. But if we smash the idol of self we can easily stand back, brush off the offense and give God the glory.
I thought for a few minutes about ways that I see the "Idol of Self" in my life and here they are :) :
1. frustration when someone interrupts "my plans" for the day, failing to see it as an opportunity to bless or serve others
2. needing to insert my preference or opinion into every conversation
3. feeling sad when someone doesn't recognize or affirm something "good" I did
4. thinking or speaking negatively about someone while elevating myself
5. holding on to past offenses, not forgiving others who have hurt me and allowing those things to change my relationship with that person
6. passing judgement
7. by being too busy to make time for those who need something
8. doing things for man's recognition instead of God's glory
9. being overly nervous or self-conscious or concerned about others opinion of me
10. being jealous of other people's things, talents, family, position, reputation, you name it!
So convicting and good at the same time. I am thankful to the Lord for revealing these areas in my life that I need to work on by His strength!
The extremely prideful king learned his lesson and so can we!
Daniel 4:37 " Now I Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt and honor the King of Heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride."