Thursday, August 6, 2009

Saying Goodbye

Yesterday we did something that is very hard to do: we said goodbye to our friends. With one way tickets destined for North Carolina we sent off our dear pastor Kurt and his wife Julie and their 6 darling children to their new home. The past week has been a flurry of activities and goodbye parties making the last few days with them fly by. It didn't really hit me that they are gone until we left the airport without them yesterday morning. We are so excited for them and the great opportunity that God has for them as Kurt will be taking his own church! Oh to be there the first Sunday he preaches in his own church for the first time! Despite our excitement for them we can't help but feel a little sorry for ourselves being left behind.
Kurt and Julie have meant so much to us! They were there with us through dating and Kurt married us. Kurt has taken Andrew under his wing for many years now, impacting him and his spiritual walk more than anyone has. Much of who the man Andrew is today is because of what Kurt has poured into him. Julie has been such an example to me of what it means to be a pastor's wife and a godly and loving mother. Julie is someone who makes everyone feel comfortable and loved. She is so real and so honest, being around her is refreshing! We will miss them so much and already feel their absence.
We love you guys and can't wait to see how God uses you to bless the people in Hickory!


lmngirls said...

Hey there, just wanted to let you know it was thru Julie's blog that I saw yours. She went to Master's when I did and we had some mutual friends, small world!

Julie Gebhards said...

WE LOVE YOU GUYS!! We miss you already, and I'm teary-eyed thinking about you three! Smooches for Weston!