Sunday, January 8, 2012


"Amazing Grace , how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me..."

These are my favorite words to my favorite song, that I now sing to my boys on a regular basis when they are upset and when mommy needs to take a breath :)

Since coming to our church, Grace Community Church, I have come to understand what true Grace is, and it is amazing. It is also amazing to see how little grace there is in the world and why the world is in such desperate need of a true understanding of God's grace.

I am giving our blog a new title- Growing in Grace- as a prayer that this year and every year to come would show us as a family growing in grace because of the grace that has been given to us by the Lord. As Christians we should be the ultimate grace givers because we understand the sacrifice that Christ made for us when we least deserved it. But I fear that we look so much like the world in this area: how often do we lose patience, groan at other drivers on the road, fight for the best places in line, judge without knowing the whole story, get defensive and forget to love? These are the little things in life that would make us shine, stand out in a dark world... but we are so busy and tired that we kill our witness opportunities with our bad attitudes!
As for me I am tired of doing this and I am praying that the Lord would grow and change me to be more like Him! Join me in this fight against selfishness and gracelessness and to God be the glory!

1 comment:

Mom Susan said...

Make it a New Years resolution for me too to fight against my own selfishness & gracelessness and that our Lord would be glorified in all I do! The Book of Romans Chapter 12 will be my guide.